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- Well, I downloaded a file called UFOINFO.ZIP the other day and figured
- that I may as well try to respond to some of the allegations made in
- there. This is just quick and off the cuff, I haven't taken the time
- to quote sources as I should, but then again that drivel really doesn't
- deserve too much of my time. If anyone is interested in reading the
- real truth behind this stuff, and seeing things in the light of rational
- thinking, try writing for the publication of the Committee for the
- Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal.
- The Skeptical Inquirer
- Box 229
- Buffalo N.Y.
- 14215-0229
- For subscriptions (about twenty five dollars a year for the
- quarterly publication) 1-800-634-1610 or 1-716-834-3222 in NY.
- You may find it interesting to read the real story behind the
- UFO's and other "mysteries" of the world! You may also just
- like it because occasionally, some writers offer large sums of
- money for proof of relatively simple acts, such as actually
- finding water by dowsing, predicting the future or reporting an
- abduction by spaceship to the FBI!
- Quick looks at the "facts" in the document
- 1. As is typical with astrologers, parapsychologists, new age gurus
- and the lunatic fringe of the American UFO hangers on, there
- are only a few pieces of verifiable information in the entire
- document. Examining them at random:
- References to the sightings on the USS Tyroot SS-416. We have
- here the classic "mysterious military sighting". Whats really
- mysterious is that long after the logs have been declassified
- that we must rely on the verbal accounts of a person who has a
- vested financial interest in the perpetuation of his stories
- instead of being allowed to read copies of the actual ships
- log where the event was recorded. (Oh yes, but I forgot, this
- is a conspiracy, so no doubt those pages have disappeared!)
- Groom Lake sightings. This is a new one to me although I have
- not been keeping abreast of the UFO stories lately.
- Perhaps someone from that area could forward me the names of
- the local newspapers, and we could do a little basic research.
- I do find it interesting given today's batch of publicity hungry
- geeks on television (Geraldo etc.) and the ratings battle between
- the news networks, that not a single one of them chose to cash
- in on a sure thing like UFO sightings "... every night, they go
- up there and watch them test fly the alien craft ...every night!"
- Imagine how many viewers they could attract with the first live
- broadcast of real UFO's!
- The infamous MJ-12 papers get mentioned here. These are quite
- verifiable, as frauds, and have been identified as such for years
- The signature on the documents was photocopied, and the entire
- document was typed on a typewriter that wasn't built until many
- years after the papers were supposedly written.
- Ah Mr. Lear gets his mention in here also! He is the brother
- of the man of Lear jet fame and has attempted to ride on his
- brothers reputation for years. What seems to have been neglected
- here is the fact that Lear was ousted as head of one of the
- largest UFO groups in the country, because he was even too weird
- for THEM! Mr Lear is responsible for filing several lawsuits
- against the U.S. government claiming that the government has
- entered into a treaty with an alien race whereby we trade human
- flesh ( a food source for the aliens) in return for military
- technology. Need I say more?
- Some things that would be interesting to know:
- About Professor James Oberth
- Exactly what "special" award did he receive?
- From which "government" did he receive it?
- Where and when did the ceremony take place,
- Could we see his comments in context instead of fragments again
- retold by, you guessed it... someone with a financial interest
- in this story being accepted at face value.
- How 'bout them Kennedy sources?
- Names and dates please, not ravings.
- The MJ-12 papers are known frauds, so now why exactly was the
- president killed?
- This "...recoilless, electrically operated, gas-powered
- assassination pistol...". Again this is a new one to me, but...
- Put yourself in the position of the head hog of the CIA or
- whatever organization is performing an assassination. You are
- faced with some difficult choices for how to eliminate this
- problem person. You must pick one of the following, keeping
- in mind you must be able deny it was part of a conspiracy...
- 1. Untracable poison or nerve agent, resulting in a quiet
- death in his/her own home or hotel room with no witnesses
- a. in his/her dinner
- b. in his/her laxative
- c. in his/her tea
- 2. A tragic accident in which the resulting fire destroys
- all traces of evidence.
- a. plane crash.
- b. car crash.
- c. train crash.
- 3. An unfortunate household accident that occurs, as usual,
- without a single witnesses.
- a. electrocution.
- b. falling down stairs.
- c. slipping in the shower.
- 4. A break in and murder late at night, where there
- are no witnesses except the murderer, who is:
- a. a raving lunatic.
- b. a jealous husband.
- c. a jealous girlfriend.
- d. a jealous boyfriend.
- 5. Have several people shoot him during a parade with
- thousands of people in attendance, in a open top
- limo surrounded by hundreds of law enforcement
- personnel who are all trained observers. And oh yes,
- make sure the driver has a special "...recoilless,
- electrically operated, gas-powered assassination pistol
- that was specially built by the CIA..." just in case
- the two "marksmen" you sent cannot hit a man sitting
- stationary in a car moving less than twenty miles per
- hour in a straight line. And remember, you DO have to
- identify all the people who MAY see the backup gunman,
- find out which ones actually saw anything, get their
- names and clandestinely eliminate them to prevent
- a messy incident. And tell those gunmen to SMILE 'cause
- you know for certain they are on TV! And don't kill the
- wife, on the off chance she didn't happen to notice the
- guy in the front seat shoot the man she was holding in
- her arms.
- As an aside, please note the probable misuse of statistics
- in the Kennedy story. Claiming 1 in 300,000 trillion is
- most likely incorrect, although I am not an expert in that
- area. Since most of the people nearest the car were law
- enforcement or secret service people, the expected death
- rate would likely be higher than for the average person.
- This assumes that those people actually did die, of which
- we are never offered names, dates and places for the 18 who
- were supposedly killed.
- Okay, thats about as far as I could get into this flimsy document
- without overly depressing myself!
- Tying together the Kennedy assassination, drug use, government
- conspiracy, military secrecy and genius rocket scientists must have
- taken a great deal of time, and I haven't got that much time to spend
- debunking it, but then, anyone with a rational mind has figured it out
- by now, and anyone without a rational mind, well... where does Satanic
- cults fit into the big "plot"??? What about Rap music and flag burning?
- You know that has to be part of the "big plan". And don't forget, no
- one really has come up with a good explanation for that face on Mars,
- and you know I really have always wondered where that strange guy next
- door goes in the middle of the night...
- As a postscript, I should mention that I am aware I have made some of
- the same errors as the original posting in not quoting sources etc. Again
- I must recommend the Skeptical Inquirer for those of you who really do
- wish to know the rational explanation for UFO's and things that go
- bump in the night, as well as the actual sources for the reports. They
- cover most or all of the claims made in the file posted as UFOINFO.ZIP,
- and serve as the best source of information on critical thinking that
- I am aware of.
- Skeptically yours,
- Dan Haynes
- Any other skeptics out there who wish to talk:
- on Bix dhaynes
- on Genie xmg21607
- on Exec PC dan haynes
- I welcome communication from UFO proponents, psychics etc, but only from
- those who are truly interested in learning the objective truth. No raving
- lunatics or slick con men please.